Deliver new features without losing customers and money!

"...On Monday we can start implementing what we've learned to make our product better."

— Lead developer of a tech startup

"...A noticeable reduction in rework and improvement in overall code stability as a direct result of the training."

— a Chief Project Manager at a Fortune 100 energy company

"The software releases since taking this class as a team are much more solid than the ones before it."

— Kevin H., FMC Technologies Schilling Robotics

Each course…

  • Covers the testing, programming, & collaborative practices necessary to make software product development truly pay off.

  • Is packed with pragmatic, enjoyable, & immersive labs designed to strengthen those techniques needed to deliver valuable, extensible, high-quality software, while maintaining a safe & sane working environment.

  • Is taught by Rob Myers, an industry leader with 39 years of professional industry experience, 27 years as Agile coach & instructor, and over 6 years as XP developer-coach using these very practices full-time on actual software product development.

  • Includes individualized mentoring: Each group of developers will have opportunities to chat with Rob 1-on-n during programming labs.

  • Is frequently updated based on technological upgrades, participant feedback, and proven teaching techniques.

  • Has no PowerPoint or Keynote slides. Workbooks are actually books (…except when they’re PDFs): to read, and to write, draw, and scribble in.

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Essential Test-Driven Development

Now with an option to explore working with AI/LLM agents!

A deep dive into this powerful software development practice. TDD can significantly lower defect density and improve feature time-to-market. Developers experience how they can work fearlessly, swiftly, safely, and comfortably on new features and design improvements—keys to adapting the product to rapid market changes.

Teams also gain hands-on experience in essential supporting practices: test doubles, legacy characterization testing, refactoring, & emergent design. Available in C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, VB.Net.

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Essential Agile Developer Capabilities

Now with an option to explore working with AI/LLM agents!

Immersive training in the most powerful and popular Agile engineering practices and the synergy gained by combining them. This course uses guided immersive labs based on Rob’s many years of actual Agile production software development. Your team experiments with Test-Driven Development and/or Behavior Driven Development (BDD) , Refactoring, Continuous Integration, Collective Code Stewardship, Continuous Collaboration, Emergent Design, and others. Available in C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, VB.Net.

Participants who have completed all other prerequisites may qualify for Scrum Alliance Advanced Certified Scrum Developer® (A-CSD).

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Developer Agility Week

Rob Myers works with your team, in your offices (or remotely), on your product requests.

An immersive, intensive 5-day (35 hour) course exploring the Agile developer practices (a.k.a. Scrum Developer Practices or Extreme Programming practices) and foundational Agile team practices (from Scrum or Kanban) while building your actual production software.

By immersing the team in the type of real-world Agile programming environment that Rob has experienced on numerous highly successful Agile teams, together you may immediately obtain the Agile promise of greater software value and quality!

Participants who have completed all other prerequisites may qualify for Scrum Alliance Advanced Certified Scrum Developer® (A-CSD).

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Behavior Driven Development Essentials

This immersive whole-team course circumscribes a complete cycle of software development, including techniques for breaking down requests and making the details of those requests explicit in automated Cucumber test scenarios. Successfully specify, build, test, and demonstrate working software during the course.

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Whole-Team Essentials

This course comes directly from the experiences of Rob’s most successful clients over recent years.

Taking these lessons from highly-successful Agile teams, and my experience on Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, and Kanban teams, I’ve pared down to comprehensive essentials. You’ll experiment with Kanban, Behavior Driven Development, and Ensemble (nee “Mob”) Programming (the whole team collaborates nearly-continuously on the most important development activities). We cover the basics of each, then set you free on your own product, adjusting and exploring as you go.

Got Scrum? Don’t worry! Click “Learn More” below, and scroll down.

Two dozen graduates of Essential Test-Driven Development standing in a half-circle around Rob, who is sitting in a big chair. Apparently it’s tradition for the instructor to sit in the big chair. Gurgaon, India, 2016

Graduates of Essential Test-Driven Development. (Apparently it’s tradition for the instructor to sit in the big chair.)

Gurgaon, India, 2016

Instructors Rob (center) & Ian Ahn (far right), and 12 new Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Developers,  Seoul, South Korea, October 2019

Instructors Rob (center) & Ian Ahn (far right), and 12 new Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Developers

Seoul, South Korea, October 2019

Rob is up-to-date on all vaccines necessary for both domestic and international travel.

All courses can be delivered remotely using Zoom & Miro.