Good Software Design - Part 1
(Note: This article was originally the first installment of a four-part newsletter series, sent out late 2017/early 2018. Y’know, in case it seems familiar…)
Good software design is a career-spanning journey of discovery.
I’ve learned not to assume a team has experienced a variety of software design skills. Some are writing elegant functional-paradigm code in archaic, challenging languages. Others are writing strongly-coupled, heavily-commented, and procedural static methods in Java or C#. The choice of programming language seems to have little effect on good design capabilities.
I’ve found that “good design,” though not really subjective, is certainly contextual. It depends on the composition of the team, their combined experiences, how they communicate with each other (or avoid communicating), the history of their code, what Design Patterns they’ve encountered, etc.
Because there are so many different ways to describe “good software design,” I tend to start with a pragmatic definition, a few design guidelines & heuristics, and simple iterative/incremental techniques. These make up a minimal initial set of software design capabilities necessary for an Agile team to begin delivering quality and value, and to quickly grow and learn as a team.
The definition: A good code design is one that is easy for the team to understand and maintain.
Can the team understand what the system does? Can the team easily extend or repair the system’s functionality?
To get there, I recommend “Agile” teams (a) absorb two simple lists of good design attributes, (b) refine their sensitivity towards “code smells,” and (c) continuously strengthen their iterative and incremental engineering capabilities.
From those, emergent design is cultivated, and all other attributes, principles, and wisdom could be learned or eventually derived.
Clouds Over Stonehenge (c) Rob Myers 2016
Your software doesn’t have to be fully designed beforehand, as Stonehenge likely was. (Or was it…?! 🧐 ) How will your team keep the software soft?
Four Guidelines
Kent Beck’s Four “Rules” of Simple Design are (in Kent’s order of precedence, and written with my interpretation):
It works! It does what we expect at this point in time. It has tests, and they all pass.
It’s understandable: The code is expressive, concise, and obvious to the team.
Once and only once (OAOO): Behaviors, concepts, and configuration details are defined in one location in the system (code, build scripts, config files). Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY).
Minimal: Nothing extra. Nothing designed for some as-yet-unforeseen future need. You Aren’t Going to Need It (YAGNI)
You’ll notice that there is a lot of overlap. For example, rules 2 through 4 could all dissuade you from creating an unnecessary class.
Five Heuristics
Daniel Terhorst-North has formulated a similarly straightforward set of heuristics that also help guide and evaluate software design. He calls this C.U.P.I.D.
Again, I’ve elaborated upon, or interpreted, the descriptions.
Composable: Plays well with others. Small interfaces, intention-revealing names, and few dependencies.
Unix philosophy: Does one thing well. Conceptually “fits in my head.”
Predictable: Does what you expect. Deterministic. Passes all the tests. No “subtype surprises” (doesn’t break Liskov’s Substitution Principle).
Idiomatic: Feels natural. Uses language idioms. Uses, or allows for the emergence of, team coding standards.
Domain-based: Uses a ubiquitous domain language. Code is written to satisfy stakeholder requests, not frameworks or dogmatic rules.
Code Smells
New behaviors introduced by changing requirements leave their mark on the design. This is the very thing that would drive good developers away from software development: We design our system, and then an unexpected request alters our preconceived pristine design, often in detrimental ways.
This deterioration happens on a large scale, as it did in my pre-Agile years.
It is also expected, on a tiny scale, with Test-Driven Development. When we use TDD, each tiny new unit test, and the implementation of that specified behavior, has a commensurately tiny negative impact on design. We repair the damage through Diligent Refactoring, but we have to first recognize and identify the damage.
How to see the damage done on such a tiny scale? You’ve likely been doing it your whole development career: You notice that something isn’t quite right, or that a few small changes could place the new and old behaviors in a better relationship to each other.
In Martin Fowler’s book, Refactoring, Kent Beck and Fowler chose to use the term “code smells” to refer to these infractions against good design. They listed many of the common smells and gave them names, similar to Design Pattern names, so teams can communicate effectively about the smells they dislike. They also provided a table (in the back of the Refactoring book, or here, ) mapping code smells to the refactorings that will help.
Instead of encouraging philosophical debates over “good,” I recommend teams adopt iterative/incremental practices that help maintain their software by removing code smells as they arise: TDD and BDD, Diligent Refactoring, Continuous Integration, Continuous Collaboration (pair/ensemble-programming; & sitting together or always visible on Zoom/Teams), Collective Stewardship, Continuous Learning.
Stay tuned…
In the next installment of this series, we’ll see what this looks like in practice. Including an example with code!